A traveler being an Imam for resident people in Jumu`ah Prayer


Q 1: Is it permissible for a person who is on a journey to be an Imam of Jumu`ah Prayer?

A: It is permissible for a person who is on a journey to be an Imam for resident people in Jumu`ah Prayer according to the soundest opinion of scholars. This is the Madh-hab (School of Jurisprudence) of Abu Hanifah, Malik and Al-Shafi`y. This was mentioned by the author of the book called Al-Mughny. It is also one of the narrations ascribed to Ahmad. This narration was mentioned in the book called Al-Insaf. Moreover, there is no legal evidence that prohibits that.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


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